Kovvali Sai Sourya Varenya
Full-stack Roboticist
- Location
- 8051, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
- Website
- http://sourya.me
- kssouryavarenya
- Sourya Varenya
MSc in Robotics, Systems and Control from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich with GPA of 5.05
BTech in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras with GPA of 9.51
Software Lead at AMZ Driverless
- Developing ‘AMZ Playground’ – extensible web application for visualization, simulation, and analysis
- Overseeing software infrastructure, autonomous computer, and track-tools work packages
- Developed ‘amz-tool’ to aid developers with updating dependencies, formatting, linting, and other functions
- Coordinated autonomous software development, maintained FSSIM (Formula Student Simulator)
- Setup and maintained self-hosted continuous integration (CI) servers for automated testing and feedback
- Designed and built ground truth mapping device (GTMD) to tag racetrack using Real-time kinematic (RTK) service
President at Team Anveshak
- Lead the Chassis Design for the first version of the rover
- Successfully headed the team and participated in the University Rover Challenge 2017
- Conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign, raising INR 1.75L ($2700) and efficiently administered team finances
- Networked with companies - Maxon and Pololu - for accessing excusive discounts on their products
- Co-heading the design of TeRA – Tele-operated Robotic Arm, a unique manipulator constructed for rover with end-to-end design analysis
– present
Research Assistant at Intelligent and Dynamic Systems Lab, IIT Bombay
- Designed bipedal robot and a rotating testbench for conducting experiments on locomotion
- Setup simulation environment and interfacing hardware and developing control architecture for the biped
Undergraduate Researcher at R2D2 Lab, IIT Madras
- Devised an electromechanical clutch-based mechanism for achieving selective unlocking the orthoses and performed FEA for load verification
- Prototyped a sample knee joint with necessary electronics for validating the mechanism and the control strategy
- Developed purely mechanical system to perform selective locking of knee joint
- Currently testing performance on UTM and able-bodied subjects
Undergraduate Researcher at Robotics Lab
- Simulated PID control on model - Lagrangian Mechanics in Mathematica
- Designed and fabricated a prototype containing 2 grippers linked serial chain providing the ability to locomote, grasp and perform in-hand manipulation enabled by intricate roller belt grasping mechanism
- Experimented on the grasping force for objects of different sizes and shapes to use it as a parameter for comparison across grippers
Product Development Intern at Skillveri Pvt Ltd
- Designed and fabricated Arc Welding Torch for VR simulator setup that utilizes a retracting rod mechanism for the electrode feed
- Integrated and programmed microcontroller for PID controlled retraction rate and IMU orientation feedback
Product Development Intern at Detect Technologies
- Ported thermal camera core to GoPro form-factor for compatibility with existing gimbals on surveillance drones
- Adopted iterative designing and manufacturing cycles for achieving accurate tolerances and optimized weight distribution
Tutor at CBSE Udaan
GraspMan – A Novel Robotic Platform with Grasping, Manipulation, and Multimodal Locomotion Capability
- Programming
Level: MasterKeywords:
- CAD modelling
Level: IntermediateKeywords:
- Digital Electronics
Level: IntermediateKeywords:
- Web Development
Level: IntermediateKeywords: